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Unforgotten Faces (UF) is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving in Ethiopia for over 17 years.

One of the ways Boldly Beloved shows this love is by the work in Ethiopia with Unforgotten Faces.

Our focus is support and education for children who have lost one or both of their parents. We provide meals five days a week, school fees, necessary educational materials as well as after school tutoring and medical care.

Equally important is the work we do with the children’s parents, training them in business and development skills, as well as other important life skills, which all help them work towards self-sustainability.

Unforgotten Faces believes that all children deserve a healthy life and a bright future. Unforgotten Faces has seen that daily meals, medical care, a solid educational foundation while having the sense of belonging, helps lead children towards a full life. We aim to meet all of our children’s needs while striving to show them Jesus’ love. Unforgotten Faces trusts that in all that we do, the children have the chance to grow up with the opportunity to follow the vision God has put in their hearts, leading them to be positive influences within their country and the world they live in. 

At Boldly Beloved we don’t serve others so that we can be more loved, we serve others because we are loved and want to share that love with others.

At the young age of 23, Unforgotten Faces founder, Kim Zember, felt called by God to Ethiopia. She headed out in search of finding her own purpose in life and ended up finding much more and started something she never would have thought possible. Through much heartache, challenges and pain God birthed a mission that has now served His beloved ones for over 17 years.
Kim’s continually growing hunger and dependence on God allows her to be ready for whatever change or growth He may bring. Her greatest passion and purpose in life is to know God, to love Him and to serve Him, wherever God leads. Kim travels to Ethiopia regularly and her constant prayer is for God to do what He wills with Unforgotten Faces for His glory.
God’s love, direction and faithfulness is what created Unforgotten Faces and Kim knows her Father, God, is the only fuel that will continue the mission of serving others in need wherever and however He may lead. It is Kim’s desire to see all people living in the will God has so uniquely planned for each of us and she does all she can both near and far to do her part in helping see that come to be!

how we got here

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